I can truly say that this election has my nerves on edge. I have never been so passionate and so involved as I have been with this election. I have shed tears last night and couldn't even sleep well, this is my future this is your future and the future of our kids. Obama is going to be in Chicago tonight in Grant Park, I wish I could be there. Obama has taught me to stay strong and to live even stronger. I want you all to go out and vote and serve the purpose of an American Citizen.
I wish you all well this day and wish you peace and blessings for a lifetime.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
AC Transit why am I putting myself through this horror...
Okay so this has to be a classic AC Transit moment in history. Picture this its a nice warm afternoon (in Oakland Cali, for my out of townees) I've just walk a slight incline from work to go to the bus stop. (Check out my first blog post about AC Transit) . I get to the stop and say hello to all my other fellow bus riders on their way home. I figure I have about a good 10 minutes to scarf down my little salad before getting on the bus ( having a part time job and no time to eat is not cool) . I am eating enjoying the downtime when we hear a crash. I thought oh someone ran over a bottle, and shook it off.. then the bus pulls up and I proceed to get prepare to board... umm no girlfriend no boarding at this moment !! why you might ask well the bus driver for my line clip the other bus while racing to the stop and knock the entire side mirror off.
I was like WTF !!! Are you serious, this is not happening, aww damn it that means we will have to wait. For those of you not familiar with public transportation, anytime AC Transit is in an accident or if they have caused one, then they will have to wait for a supervisory to come and okay the damage. That wasn't what pissed me off , it was the fact that the driver saw us standing there, and she didn't say a dang gone word. She didn't say oh we will have to wait or my supervisor is on the way nothing yall.
I was pissed and I asked her so " what the dilly" are we waiting is another bus coming, she then replied oh yeah they are on there way. I was like geez give us some respect and say something lady don't act like it didn't happen. What made it worse was that I then had to wait like 20 extra minutes to just leave my job, and then catch another bus to get home. Sometimes I wonder is it worth it to catch public transportation or should I just drive and save myself the grief !!! I don't know but stay tuned for the lovely tales of AC Transit.
I was like WTF !!! Are you serious, this is not happening, aww damn it that means we will have to wait. For those of you not familiar with public transportation, anytime AC Transit is in an accident or if they have caused one, then they will have to wait for a supervisory to come and okay the damage. That wasn't what pissed me off , it was the fact that the driver saw us standing there, and she didn't say a dang gone word. She didn't say oh we will have to wait or my supervisor is on the way nothing yall.
I was pissed and I asked her so " what the dilly" are we waiting is another bus coming, she then replied oh yeah they are on there way. I was like geez give us some respect and say something lady don't act like it didn't happen. What made it worse was that I then had to wait like 20 extra minutes to just leave my job, and then catch another bus to get home. Sometimes I wonder is it worth it to catch public transportation or should I just drive and save myself the grief !!! I don't know but stay tuned for the lovely tales of AC Transit.
Monday, October 20, 2008
That old lady needed to be checked by me so what!!

Okay so I know we need to be kind to our elders, but damn it I was about to lose it today. So as some of you know that I am a bus rider.. AC Transit style. So in the midst of riding the bus and minding my own business, I encountered the rider from hell. I knew she had a problem when she kept switching seats like she was Goldilocks and the three bears. She would get up and move and then move again dang near each time we would stop. Now usually when I ride on the bus I make sure to have my bag in the other seat playing the non-social role. But this time I was too much into my iPhone my new gadget of choice sorry blackberry. Any who so ms Goldilocks sat down next to me and she was talking to herself, thanks a lot Gods.. I was trying to have a clam ride.
So my stop is approaching a and I ring the bell and decide to get up before I get to the stop. I failed to mention the bus was extremely crowded. So I politely said to the woman excuse me. "this is my stop" she then said something back.. I couldn't understand her because I was bumping Notorious Big" I got a story to tell". I took one of the ear phones out and said " excuse me" she repeated her comment loudly on the bus , YOU HAVE TO GET UP NOW!! I was like yeah "Goldilocks" I need to get up now. She was like you not even at the stop yet.. yada yada yada. I turned to her and said you better move yo pencil ass before I put a sharping to it. She looked and kept jaw jacking , I put my ear phones back in my ear and proceeded to move.
Lets just say everyone on the bus was looking at me and the woman, and one lady told her that's rude. I knew that the lady was loopy so I wasn't going there. I just said you have a good day because I will, and she was still talking on the bus. So as the bus passed I licked my tongue out and she was in shocked. I totally felt good, and laughed about it all the way to work.
I jumped on my second bus and thought nothing of that woman. I felt bad for the other bus riders but hey these are just the moments in Cali the OMG moments stay tuned.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
PPD (Piedmont Police Department) the frantic 911 calls...
Okay once again I have read it all with the 911 calls. I now get the Piedmont Post delivered to my office so of course I quickly turned to the PPD. I did find some hiliairous ones and some that make you question what is the "true meaning of neighborhood watch". So once again for those of you who like to have a little laugh here you go.. also the PPD had there top three picks in which the post in the paper along with the address "scandalous".
Wednesday October 1
11:38 pm 700 block Kingston Ave
Report of a man wearing sweatshirt and jeans
singing loudly, possibly drunk. Officer
dispatched; unable to locate.
Friday September 26
2:22 am Grenbank & Lake Ave
Request for security check; rear window open
& bed light on;doors secure.
Monday September 29
10:05 am 1st block Wildwood Gdns
Report of a suspicious adult male with pony tail
leaving side of callers yard;entered a white van.
Officer advised it is the neighbor's gardener.
Tuesday September 30
2:08 pm 1st block Fairview Ave
Complaint of gas leaf blower;officer advised
it is an electric blower; no violation.
Picks of the Week
Monday September 29
7:16pm Piedmont Ct
Citizen called to report that she is home alone
and washing machine started by itself in the basement.
Called back to cancel request.
Wednesday October 1
3:18 pm first block York Dr.
Report of a juvenile in white jacket who
put a box on the porch, and then lit it
on fire. Rang the doorbell and ran.
Public Works advised.
Thursday October 2
9:05 pm 200 block Ricardo Ave
Resident reported a suspicious male with
flashlight rummaging through a truck. Officer
advises it is PG&E employee in his
PG&E truck.
The last one is priceless only because dang PG&E is painted on the damn truck. That makes me question neighborhood watch and what are we watching for!!! OMG moments for sure.
Wednesday October 1
11:38 pm 700 block Kingston Ave
Report of a man wearing sweatshirt and jeans
singing loudly, possibly drunk. Officer
dispatched; unable to locate.
Friday September 26
2:22 am Grenbank & Lake Ave
Request for security check; rear window open
& bed light on;doors secure.
Monday September 29
10:05 am 1st block Wildwood Gdns
Report of a suspicious adult male with pony tail
leaving side of callers yard;entered a white van.
Officer advised it is the neighbor's gardener.
Tuesday September 30
2:08 pm 1st block Fairview Ave
Complaint of gas leaf blower;officer advised
it is an electric blower; no violation.
Picks of the Week
Monday September 29
7:16pm Piedmont Ct
Citizen called to report that she is home alone
and washing machine started by itself in the basement.
Called back to cancel request.
Wednesday October 1
3:18 pm first block York Dr.
Report of a juvenile in white jacket who
put a box on the porch, and then lit it
on fire. Rang the doorbell and ran.
Public Works advised.
Thursday October 2
9:05 pm 200 block Ricardo Ave
Resident reported a suspicious male with
flashlight rummaging through a truck. Officer
advises it is PG&E employee in his
PG&E truck.
The last one is priceless only because dang PG&E is painted on the damn truck. That makes me question neighborhood watch and what are we watching for!!! OMG moments for sure.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Arrrggghhh Sarah Palin's daughter has my dress....
Okay I need some reasurance fast. I can't believe my eyes on CNN, this has got to be a nightmare. I watched the debate with Biden and that other woman Palin (whatever). So I watched and was moved in ways that gave me a new found HOPE. So as the debate ended and the families approached the floor.. I noticed something..something familiar something that looked like I have that in my closet. I paused the TV.. yeah buddy I have a DVR you can freeze Live TV, its the best in the world.
I moved into the TV to get a closer look. I noticed Palin prego daughter holding her brother to cover her belly, that's a whole other blog. But what made my job drop was the dress she had on.. it was my dress.. WTF.. how did that happen.. oh my goodness NO how did I fall into this land of decepition. I thought to myself NO its not let me see.. I ran to my closet and took a picture.Please help me..I mean its just a H&M but its my H&M damn it. Someone help me to find out if this is not true..I will owe you one big time..AArrrggghhh.
I moved into the TV to get a closer look. I noticed Palin prego daughter holding her brother to cover her belly, that's a whole other blog. But what made my job drop was the dress she had on.. it was my dress.. WTF.. how did that happen.. oh my goodness NO how did I fall into this land of decepition. I thought to myself NO its not let me see.. I ran to my closet and took a picture.Please help me..I mean its just a H&M but its my H&M damn it. Someone help me to find out if this is not true..I will owe you one big time..AArrrggghhh.

Monday, September 29, 2008
Police Blotter..live calls into the police department.
Okay.. so my mom brings home this local paper that has random readings. I am not a paper reading type of woman but this was to funny to pass up. So this little town in California called Manteca, post calls that they receive from the police department. So I took the time to read some of these calls, I don't want to laugh at people calling the police I mean it's in desperate need RIGHT!! So enjoy some of the more funnier phone calls I did..
Monday Sept 15th 8:36 pm
A man on the 600 block of Meaodwlark Lane
said a man and woman were fighting over a sandwich.
Tuesday Sept 16th 1:33pm
A woman on the 500 block of North Manin Street said
someone had stolen a Chihuahua from her unlocked car while
she was in Blockbuster Video.
Wednesday Sept 17th 3:40 pm
A man on the 1800 block of Pennebaker Way
said he had lost his gun.
Thursday Sept 18th 10:45 am
A woman on the 1400 block of Kelley Drive said a 1-year-old child
was running around Mayors Park with a pit-bull
Saturday Sept 20th 6:16pm
A woman at Payless Shoe Source, 1031 S. Main St,
reported a shoplifter who came in barefoot and walked
out wearing a pair of shoes.
Enjoy because I did.. this is a OMG moment for sure
Monday Sept 15th 8:36 pm
A man on the 600 block of Meaodwlark Lane
said a man and woman were fighting over a sandwich.
Tuesday Sept 16th 1:33pm
A woman on the 500 block of North Manin Street said
someone had stolen a Chihuahua from her unlocked car while
she was in Blockbuster Video.
Wednesday Sept 17th 3:40 pm
A man on the 1800 block of Pennebaker Way
said he had lost his gun.
Thursday Sept 18th 10:45 am
A woman on the 1400 block of Kelley Drive said a 1-year-old child
was running around Mayors Park with a pit-bull
Saturday Sept 20th 6:16pm
A woman at Payless Shoe Source, 1031 S. Main St,
reported a shoplifter who came in barefoot and walked
out wearing a pair of shoes.
Enjoy because I did.. this is a OMG moment for sure
Sunday, September 14, 2008
SBHC will be missed

So for those who don't know me.. last friday marked a milestone in my life yet again. I recently left my job of 6 years at a school based health center. I was located on a high school campus. The health center catered to the needs of high schoolers in the medical and mental health field. I loved that place the students and the new staff, but I felt a big separation in my heart. I've been at the health center for a significant amount of time (for a non-profit) and I just felt stuck. I didn't want to leave but for me my time had came and it was time to move on.
I know that the staff are so prepared and are ready to make the health center outstanding. I just felt that when you come to a milestone you just either have to make a move or stay standing. I have seen so many folks come to the health center staff wise that I stop counting. I didn't want the crying and tears all over the place when I left so I kept everything light hearted. I must admit when I got home I did shed my tears in the privacy of my walls. I am truly going to miss that place, I am going to miss just the lightheartedness of the staff. I mean this is the place where I could, capp on Mr. Alvino, get styling tips from Ms. Nicgaragua herself Farran, all the latest Obama news from Ms. Ali, the calm nature of Dr.Wu, the dedication from our fiesty health educator Ms. Baldridge, oh yeah I had to end my romance with Mr. Meija ( he was too clingy), fight club diva Dr. Church , and the level head of the supervisor.
So I say to the health center and the staff, do what your heart desires and continued success. I will never forget any of you.. plus y'all have my email. I will visit when I can and I will always bring treats. See ya soon...
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