So for those who don't know me.. last friday marked a milestone in my life yet again. I recently left my job of 6 years at a school based health center. I was located on a high school campus. The health center catered to the needs of high schoolers in the medical and mental health field. I loved that place the students and the new staff, but I felt a big separation in my heart. I've been at the health center for a significant amount of time (for a non-profit) and I just felt stuck. I didn't want to leave but for me my time had came and it was time to move on.
I know that the staff are so prepared and are ready to make the health center outstanding. I just felt that when you come to a milestone you just either have to make a move or stay standing. I have seen so many folks come to the health center staff wise that I stop counting. I didn't want the crying and tears all over the place when I left so I kept everything light hearted. I must admit when I got home I did shed my tears in the privacy of my walls. I am truly going to miss that place, I am going to miss just the lightheartedness of the staff. I mean this is the place where I could, capp on Mr. Alvino, get styling tips from Ms. Nicgaragua herself Farran, all the latest Obama news from Ms. Ali, the calm nature of Dr.Wu, the dedication from our fiesty health educator Ms. Baldridge, oh yeah I had to end my romance with Mr. Meija ( he was too clingy), fight club diva Dr. Church , and the level head of the supervisor.
So I say to the health center and the staff, do what your heart desires and continued success. I will never forget any of you.. plus y'all have my email. I will visit when I can and I will always bring treats. See ya soon...
Great move...hows the new job
The new job is great and I am glad that I made that move.
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