Monday, September 29, 2008

Police calls into the police department.

Okay.. so my mom brings home this local paper that has random readings. I am not a paper reading type of woman but this was to funny to pass up. So this little town in California called Manteca, post calls that they receive from the police department. So I took the time to read some of these calls, I don't want to laugh at people calling the police I mean it's in desperate need RIGHT!! So enjoy some of the more funnier phone calls I did..

Monday Sept 15th 8:36 pm
A man on the 600 block of Meaodwlark Lane
said a man and woman were fighting over a sandwich.

Tuesday Sept 16th 1:33pm
A woman on the 500 block of North Manin Street said
someone had stolen a Chihuahua from her unlocked car while
she was in Blockbuster Video.

Wednesday Sept 17th 3:40 pm
A man on the 1800 block of Pennebaker Way
said he had lost his gun.

Thursday Sept 18th 10:45 am
A woman on the 1400 block of Kelley Drive said a 1-year-old child
was running around Mayors Park with a pit-bull

Saturday Sept 20th 6:16pm
A woman at Payless Shoe Source, 1031 S. Main St,
reported a shoplifter who came in barefoot and walked
out wearing a pair of shoes.

Enjoy because I did.. this is a OMG moment for sure


Anonymous said...

Fighting over a sandwich? It must have been a really good sandwich.

Finding the Real OMG Moment said...

The sandwich one was wicked that made me read it twice seriously.