Thursday, October 2, 2008

Arrrggghhh Sarah Palin's daughter has my dress....

Okay I need some reasurance fast. I can't believe my eyes on CNN, this has got to be a nightmare. I watched the debate with Biden and that other woman Palin (whatever). So I watched and was moved in ways that gave me a new found HOPE. So as the debate ended and the families approached the floor.. I noticed something..something familiar something that looked like I have that in my closet. I paused the TV.. yeah buddy I have a DVR you can freeze Live TV, its the best in the world.

I moved into the TV to get a closer look. I noticed Palin prego daughter holding her brother to cover her belly, that's a whole
other blog. But what made my job drop was the dress she had on.. it was my dress.. WTF.. how did that happen.. oh my goodness NO how did I fall into this land of decepition. I thought to myself NO its not let me see.. I ran to my closet and took a picture.Please help me..I mean its just a H&M but its my H&M damn it. Someone help me to find out if this is not true..I will owe you one big time..AArrrggghhh.


ALLLGooD said...

You don't look like a pregnant teenager who represents the blatant hypocrisy of a presidential campaign, when YOU wear it.

Finding the Real OMG Moment said...

thanks.. Allgood I knew you could find light out of dark situation.