So working in a high school setting is like " aww shoot what can we expect". I can generally say from my heart that I do APPRECIATE the peeps I work with. I know that just being in the midst of one another we are bound to rub off on each other. So I can truly say my slanguage of HELLA (its an Oakland word, I'm trying to make it international) Real Talk.. (also another Oakland word).. okay back to the story. So I have co-workers from all walks of life.. east coast, west coast, alamedans (look it up its a way of life) from other countries etc. So anyway.. my one co-worker check out his blog www.allgood@blogspot.com he is too much.
So allgood comes blazin through the offices.. since we have connected offices, and he is fuming. I know this because this is general a laid back dude.. and being a therapist I figure.. you know he doesn't have RR (road rage I use shorthand as much as possible), so I was ultimately shocked to see the fire smokin from his shoes. Me and program assistant glance at each other, and we know something is up.!!! We say "good morning" how are you? He says hey and begins to spit a rhyme so fast that even Jay-Z on his good day couldn't keep up. He begins by saying he was pulling into a parking space. Okay so for us parking spaces are like $20 bills rolling down the street you don't pass up a spot or that $20 holla.
So he says that he was pulling behind a lady he said but she STOP the car suddenly, puts it in reverse and ALLGOOD begins honking and doing the hand motion to move forward. She looks he says and decides to park it and proceed to get out the spot. I with eyes as big as quarters knew.. aw HELL NAW she didn't move up and let you park and there was room.. this HEFFA is crazy.. or at least she tempting fate on some bull..ish . AllGOOD says hey pull forward and then proceeds to drive up to her window.. you know that right there is call for conflict.. so I eager say what did you do.. he tells me home girl squeeze by her driver side door and his passenger door.. this means she said " whateva playa I'm out".
I was like what did you do.. at this point I'm standing up in my office with hands on hips laughing inside.. because he has pulled one of my moves like "WHOA". So he says she proceeds to walk down the street in the opposite direction.. he then in tails circles the block.. yes people he circled the block and followed the poor woman, I said for what.. he just wanted her to look at him so he could spit that 99 problems at her, this is deep. So what happens is he follows the chick she doesn't give him the satisfaction and he is heated.. I"m like this story is BANANAS seriously, not ALLGOOD did I rub off on him took with my anger management problems.
Then the ultimate happens he says.. she was HELLA GHETTO.. ahhhh at last.. he used an Oakland word HELLA and the Ghetto part I think was because he was still heated about the whole situation. So in the midst of all of this he says" oh my god I said HELLA.. reason is because he is from the east coast and got turned out WEST coast style . Needless to say we had our process moment and he calmed down.. but to the day I will shout out to him "don't be HELLA ghetto with the situation". Its our inside joke but yet I will never forget that day..
( The alias has been used so to protect the innocent) Another blog from the OMG moments.
1 comment:
Sheeet...I'm turning West Coast, now. That woman was truly hella ghetto. I still have her license plate number, so she best not park around me.
I'll be bringing eggs and pennies.
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