Okay so this is totally random in my book. I am a creature of habit ya know! I mean its the usual...wake up , shower, get dressed etc, but not in May something took over? What you may ask well I'm speaking of the tattoo in which I decided to get out of the blue. I guess some folks may call it my mid-life crisis but I think it was a general interest and hell I decided to get it. I thought about this process long and hard and had to come up with something I wouldn't mind looking at.. ya know!! (for all of those tatted up you understand). So after doing some soul searching and GO GO Gadget energy I did it.
I was told by a mutual friend about Matt Howse.. (shout out to Matt) from Spyder Murphys Tattoo in San Rafeal. Check him out at this link he was the bomb. I mean we did a consult and then talked about the date.. and I was set right? Okay so it was done on June 11th 2008, this is like me giving birth so I will never forget this day. Well I had plenty of time to back out or even say" I'm cool Matt thanks.. but believe it or not I went through with it. So my day comes and OMG!!! yes OMG!!! Lets just say I went with a friend to get hers on her foot.. not the same experience kids...
First off I want to thank my BF for going with me.. thanks DODABOP.. you are the best, and I truly trust my life with you. Anyways.. side tracked, okay so to all of those who have tattoo's in which I seem to call in one week..ya sucka's are liars. I had all types of scenario's and I must say only one person was real with me and that would be Matt.. thats the only person. Yes the tattoo artist, he was blunt.. this will hurt you more than it will hurt me.. Umm where have I heard that from?? oh yes my mother before she would whoop my butt.
Anywho.. lets just say there was no numbing part... it was sheer pain from beginning to end.. not saying that Matt wasn't the man, he was but damn it.. I wasn't prepared. As I think about it there was a moment in which talking to DODABOP I forgot that needles were piercing through my skin. But in the long run the hour and 45 minutes seemed like and eternity it was fast.. and I must say it came out banging seriously.. take a look at the photo above.
All I know is that I will keep it real and say yes all Tat's hurt no matter where the place or the size.. keeping it real for ya..
I have to say that it does look hella tight. Rally Cap, Mom!
Gilr I feel you, tat's hurt way too much to get more than one. With the little cross I got, I almost passed out when I went back to have hom go over it. I still need to see your in perseon. Thanks for coming with me when I got mine! :D
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